fredag 31. januar 2014

Day 31

 I have a weakness for nice views. I love to be at a spot with air and a long distance view. This particular spot is along Fv 27 up to the mountains where I live 

torsdag 30. januar 2014

onsdag 29. januar 2014

Day 29

Todays grateful thoughts goes to my sister. She is just one of the most helpful and nicest peoples I know. The list would be too long to post!

tirsdag 28. januar 2014

Day 28

Todays grateful though goes to this little device. That's going to save me a lot of problems on work tomorrow. And to the guy who found me a new one and the woman who took the trouble of getting it in my hands just in time :)

mandag 27. januar 2014

Day 27

I am so lucky to have the best job in the world. And today I could make the group photo of a small kindergarden out here in the snow. My grateful thought today goes to my wonderful colleagues and bosses. Who contribute a lot to make my world a good place to be in. And to all the beautiful children I get to meet :)

søndag 26. januar 2014

Day 26

 I love sunday mornings! 
And I am so lucky to always have these free of work and duties

lørdag 25. januar 2014

Day 25

Todays grateful thought goes to my brother. He has brought me firewood so I can get the heat up again in my house. And he has also provided the food I am having for dinner today. And a grateful thought goes to all farmers that provides us all with vegetables, meat, milk and WOOD! Thank you!

fredag 24. januar 2014

Day 24

Wishing everyone of my friends a nice weekend. We usually eat taco on Fridays. Popular and good! I love making and serving taco. And todays grateful though goes to food that never fails ♥

torsdag 23. januar 2014

Day 23

My home village Church. Where I was baptized and where my son is going to have his confirmation this spring. Here lies my ancestors and this is a gathering spot in a small place like Venabygd. My sister got married here last year and here I can also listen to the wonderful singing of our villages angel voice ♥

onsdag 22. januar 2014

Day 22

Winterwinderland - the forest looks like a fairytale of cake-trees and I was taking a ride just to observe the beauty of winter. I am very grateful to have my eyes intact so I can see all this

tirsdag 21. januar 2014

Day 21

It has been the most wonderful winter day! The snow, sun and lack of wind were just perfect for a wintershot of this amazing beautiful houses in my small homeplace. I am very grateful to be now almost done with a 4 season project of this house, and that places like this still exist!

mandag 20. januar 2014

Day 20

I have seen so much deer and moose along the road this winter. And today we had these animals just next to the road on our way back from the shop. I handed my camera to my son and he took s few shots trough the window while I was driving very slowly. I am so grateful to have such wildlife near our home

søndag 19. januar 2014

Day 19

Remains of summer. I was on my daily stroll around the house and neighborhood - looking for scenery and a nice picture for todays update. When I went back I saw this tiny Lupinis, striving to keep the head above the snow. And I thought of all the peoples that strives to hold  their head above water, as we say. Its beautiful to win this fight. And its a personal fight for everyone.

lørdag 18. januar 2014

Day 18

Friends are a wonderful thing to have. Tonight one of my sons  best friends is staying over, and the boys are well installed in their own "Batcave" to spend the saturday with gaming, pizza, laughter and fun. I am very grateful to have such nice young peoples in my house.

fredag 17. januar 2014

Day 17

My wonderful mother. And the house I lived in from 1st grade, and that still is my definition of Home. Family dinner here is fun and tasty!

torsdag 16. januar 2014

Day 16

 Nothing beats the smell of fresh bread. So today I forgot to buy bread in the store. And too lazy to go back I decided to make it myself. Tastes wonderful! I'm very grateful that this ended well. Now we have breakfast and food for school tomorrow!

onsdag 15. januar 2014

Day 15

I live in a small yellow house close to the forest. Some might even say it is surrounded by forest. I am very happy to live in such a beautiful place. And grateful to have a safe home to return to.

tirsdag 14. januar 2014

Day 14

My son has very little contact with his fathers side of the family. But yesterday his Aunt Ingrid called and were in need of a place to sleep over. I belive it was a happy moment for all to meet again after 10 years. Time goes by and there is a time for everything. Today I am very grateful for peoples that never give up. And for our ability to forgive.

mandag 13. januar 2014

Day 13

Mountain Chapel in a cold night filled with stars and light from the moon. Very happy to have warm clothes!

søndag 12. januar 2014

Day 12

A beautiful cold sunset today. I am staying inside and putting more wood in the fire. It's great to spend the Sunday exactly the way I want to. It's not something I take for granted anymore. Todays grateful thought goes to freedom!

lørdag 11. januar 2014

Day 11

Today, after beeing away a few days and being told by my Cat Guard: "Cat is gone!", I was very very happy to see him climbing up on my balcony a few minutes after I got home. Our cat is 9 years old now and a very loved part of our small family. I am grateful every day he choose to come back to us

fredag 10. januar 2014

Day 10

Friends is important to have. And fun. And what is better than having fun friends? I am very grateful to know such wonderful peoples and colleagues!

onsdag 8. januar 2014

Day 8

Seafood salad. It's tasty, healthy and looks great! I am grateful for always having food on my table and for sometimes also having awesome food!

tirsdag 7. januar 2014

Day 7

This is an old photo of my son and me. He is getting very picky about what I can post of him and not. And that I do have to respect. I am very grateful for being a mum and for having such a wonderful person in my life.

mandag 6. januar 2014

Day 6

 I feel lucky to live here in Venabygd. Clean air and a lot of space!

søndag 5. januar 2014

Day 5

I found today - the reflection of a window. And isn't that what it all comes down too. Everything we see is reflections of something else. I am very grateful to have the time to wanter around just looking :) I love my eyes and to be able to see <3

lørdag 4. januar 2014

Day 4

Christmas is over and the only thing left is reflections in a rainy pool of water. I am very grateful for the time I can spend with my family and for the things to be seen in a waterpool

fredag 3. januar 2014

Day 3

A whole lot of snow arrived in the night! Its looking nice. I am very grateful to live in an aera this beautiful

torsdag 2. januar 2014

Day 2

Lillyhammer on a cloudy day.

I am grateful for the persons in my life that listens to me, and make me feel good. That includes my dear doctor Henriette

onsdag 1. januar 2014

Day 1

Happy new year! 

I am going to post a small picture every day for the next year on this blog. It's my personal 
feelgood project. 
The pictures will be of something I am grateful for or in something that makes me happy.

And I am starting off with a picture I took of my three nephews and their father on the first of January.

My family made the new year celebration great. Everyone contributed something to the party - and we all gathered in my parents home. 15 persons. For that I am very grateful.